Postponed. Check back in to find out when it will take place in the coming months. So many people wanted to play but couldn’t due to prior commitments–First Bank is looking for a date that will accommodate more people.
Employees at First Bank Richmond just took the challenge. And now it’s open to the public. The first First Bank Smart Phone Scavenger Hunt!
What is it?
It is free…it is fabulous fun…and you could win an IPad or your teammates could each win $100.00 a piece! And there will be even more prizes drawn at the end of the 2 hour challenge when everyone meets for lunch at the Olde Richmond Inn at noon. This Saturday, August 17, 10:00 a.m. to noon.
How does it work?
It starts with one smart phone and 3-4 people on a team. That’s all you need…and maybe a car or bike. Then you will register your team at any of the many First Bank Branches in Richmond, Centerville or Cambridge City. You’ll download the easy app which will have all the challenges like “pick a potato” (that’s not one of them) and you’ll take your most creative picture, using your smart phone, as a group with one of you as the photographer…easy as pie. (oh there could be a challenge about pie….you never know).
Employees at First Bank had so much fun…they want to do it again! But they can’t. Only the public can join this one. You must be 18 years of age or older and not an immediate family member of a First Bank employee. Go ahead… take the challenge!
To enter go to now and download the registration form. Sign up your team for possibly the most exciting two hours you will have had in a long time! (Must sign up by August 14th. There is a limited number of teams, so be sure to sign up today!) Questions? Contact Karole at